Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jess & Josh Wedding Weekend

It was fabulous.  What can I say!? The fun started with a rehearsal dinner cruise on the Mississippi on Friday night.

In attendance from the Loras crowd:  Megan, Brenda, and I.  

It was a chilly night, but Meg and I braved the cold to snap a picture outside.  I'm just realizing that the background is completely black, but I think the wind-in-our-hair-effect makes it all worth it. (And doesn't Megan look gorgeous?!) :)

I can't forget to mention Joe!  I finally got to meet him and he finally got to ruin our gorgeous pictures.

Of course, the wedding plunger was passed on to Jessie after sitting in my attic for five years. She was already trying to pass it on.   Hmm... I wonder what Joe is thinking.

Cute plunger pic!

Then came the wedding day.  I have no pictures of the ceremony.  I also have no pictures of the groom.  (Somebody please help me out by adding some?!)

Here are some of the ladies at Courtside after the ceremony.

Four angry panthers and one confused panther.

The bride and her seven beautiful bridesmaids!

The Stauffers gave the reception a "thumbs up!"


There was a surprise flash mob for Josh & Jess.  It was fun.

This wasn't it....

Aww.... their teeth are so WHITE!

Yeah, these two are pretty cute as well.

He's a pole!

Mariah's dress was magenta.  Megan insisted the stripe on her dress was maroon.  Yeah... nice try, Megan.

We got to see a bunch of Loras folks.  LOVED IT!

Just imagine what their kids would look like....

Our official group angry panther pic! 

What an amazing night!  Congrats Josh & Jess!! We couldn't be happier for you! Enjoy Hawaii!