Friday, February 1, 2013

Flashback Friday: Senior Homecoming

EPISODE THREE: Senior Homecoming (October 2005)

Hey guys... remember when Megan was homecoming queen of Loras College!?

Yeah, that was pretty awesome.

And then we took this awesome picture where all our eyes positively glowed.  

Then, we took this picture of all the people Megan beat out for Queen. (She beat the boys too, really... she did!)

Then we got all purple and gold and had a lot of fun.

Sorry that this post wasn't more exciting... but Homecoming 2005 sure was!

Especially when I cropped myself out of this picture because of how bad I looked.

 Have a great Friday!

1 comment:

  1. That miracle mile picture is rough for me too! What was our team name again? Something like JP and the Virgins right?

    I'd also like to note that my friend Astra wore that brown dress this year for the bridesmaids bar crawl =)
